2018 has been quite an exciting year for me, with lots of traveling, and lots of caring!
We finished editing and published the book 'In Situ Studio Bhubaneswar and Cuttack' and later on organised a second workshop, 'In Situ Studio Guinea Bissau', that will be held in January 2019. (Together with ASF-Sweden, Challenging Practice group)
I traveled to Kenya for 7 weeks and carried out a preliminary study for The Humane School project near Kitale (Together with Föreningen Sofia and the help of ASF-Sweden member´s fond). The Humane School later became an ASF project.
I have been rewarded throughout the whole year by the constant moral support of my love ones -from close or far- as well as by the encounter of fantastic people! I have met new colleagues and partners in Sweden and Kenya, some of which will, I hope, become long-time friends!
I have met for the first time many many babies and toddlers... in a way they are the ones for who we do all this!!
Welcome to this world Leon, Nora, Lucien, Samson, Oliver, Malaika, Jamal, Jabal and Elena,we are working to make it a better place :)
And Last but not least, a big THANK YOU to A-gruppen for their donation to the Humane School through ASF Sweden´s organisation. Best Christmas present ever!
Can't wait to see if 2019 will be as productive!
Off the starting blocks, I am flying to Guinea Bissau on the 1st of January to facilitate the Challenging Practice workshop 'In Situ Studio Guinea Bissau' with colleagues from ASF-Sweden, UNICEF and other local partners.
In the parallel racing line, the Humane School is working towards submitting grant applications and raising enough money to be able to buy and secure a land, a prerequisite to any future buildings and development.
To all of you, I wish qualitative and sustainable progress in your charitable initiatives... and the fulfilment of your craziest dreams !
If you wish to support our work and The Humane School project, you can donate either directly to the Humane School by following THIS LINK, or through ASF-Sweden by following the instructions HERE (Don't forget to write "Humane School" in the comment)
And just send me a message here if you have any questions or want to support the project! :-)